After looking at a few examples of resume layouts , we can now look at some specific aspects of the resume layout that will help your chances of getting an interview. In our previous articles about resume layouts, a lot has been discussed in general regarding the overall appearance of the resume layout. This is a good start, but in order to land that all important interview, you must understand ways in which you can modify your resume layout to meet the needs of the specific position you are applying for.
When tweaking your resume layout for a specific employer, do as much research as possible on that company and position and use this information to especially highlight releveant skills and experience.In fields and positions where design is a critical factor (architecture, engineering, etc.), one critical aspect to focus on in your resume layout would be technical and computer skills. In design, the use of different types of media is extremely important so it is just as important for you to list your skills and knowledge. Say you are applying for a position in architecture, you would want your resume layout to list all programs that assist you in the design process (AutoCAD, Photoshop, 3-D programs, etc.). The more diverse your skills are in your resume layout, the better your chances are at landing the interview.
For technical and scientific jobs (applies to other professions as well), make sure that your resume layout provides some focus on your problem solving skills. It's not enough to simply describe what you did in your resume layout, but also how you did it. Highlighting skills that you used to overcome challenges that will be of interest to the employer when they look at your resume layout.
If you have resume layout tips for a particular profession or industry, please comment on this article and share your advice for everyone to read. We hope you've found this resume layout article useful and make sure to check out other great (and free) advice at Resume Layout Advice .
Resume Layout - How To Use Your Resume Part 2
This is a continuation of our first article on how to use your resume layout for maximum effect. When we left off, we were reviewing different ways to find jobs to send your resume (using these resume layout tips) and cover letter to.
Cold Calling- When you're applying to an employer without knowing if they are hiring this is considered cold calling. This method involves identifying businesses where you think your skills may be needed, then applying via email with your cover letter and resume. As with other methods, it is important do some research on the company you are applying to and demonstrate your knowledge of their business in your cover letter. You'll also want to tailor your resume layout to that company by emphasizing relevant skills and accomplishments.
Career Sites/Job Listings- Similar process to cold calling, except you may need to follow a pre-defined application format. This may involve copying and pasting your resume layout onto their site or registering an account on their system.
Job Fairs- Fairly self explanatory. Remember that the resume layout you've worked so hard on will look even better printed on heavy, resume grade paper. Dress up and be sure to be confident. If your resume layout does what it's supposed to, they'll spend more than just 10 seconds talking to you.
Step 3- Apply
The first part of this step is easy enough. You've refined your resume layout, drafted a cover letter tailored for this specific employer, and are ready to email it off. Again, make sure you address it to the person you want to see your resume layout (NOT To Whom It May Concern). Do what you have to do to find out this information.
The second part of this step is what most people forget. FOLLOW UP. Again, the best resume layout in the world won't land you a job. Make a note on your calendar, in your cell phone, etc. to follow up on your application. See if they have questions not answered in your resume layout and let them know you'd love to speak in person.
The final part to this formula is "repeat". Keep applying, keep following up. Keep tweaking your resume layout. You will be able to use these resume layout and other tips to find a job, just keep at it. For other free and genuine advice on resume layouts be sure to check out other posts at Resume Layout Advice .
Cold Calling- When you're applying to an employer without knowing if they are hiring this is considered cold calling. This method involves identifying businesses where you think your skills may be needed, then applying via email with your cover letter and resume. As with other methods, it is important do some research on the company you are applying to and demonstrate your knowledge of their business in your cover letter. You'll also want to tailor your resume layout to that company by emphasizing relevant skills and accomplishments.
Career Sites/Job Listings- Similar process to cold calling, except you may need to follow a pre-defined application format. This may involve copying and pasting your resume layout onto their site or registering an account on their system.
Job Fairs- Fairly self explanatory. Remember that the resume layout you've worked so hard on will look even better printed on heavy, resume grade paper. Dress up and be sure to be confident. If your resume layout does what it's supposed to, they'll spend more than just 10 seconds talking to you.
Step 3- Apply
The first part of this step is easy enough. You've refined your resume layout, drafted a cover letter tailored for this specific employer, and are ready to email it off. Again, make sure you address it to the person you want to see your resume layout (NOT To Whom It May Concern). Do what you have to do to find out this information.
The second part of this step is what most people forget. FOLLOW UP. Again, the best resume layout in the world won't land you a job. Make a note on your calendar, in your cell phone, etc. to follow up on your application. See if they have questions not answered in your resume layout and let them know you'd love to speak in person.
The final part to this formula is "repeat". Keep applying, keep following up. Keep tweaking your resume layout. You will be able to use these resume layout and other tips to find a job, just keep at it. For other free and genuine advice on resume layouts be sure to check out other posts at Resume Layout Advice .
Resume Layout - How To Use Your Resume Part 1
If you've spent enough time here at Resume Layout Advice (and probably other sites too...its OK), then you should be well on your way toward creating a resume which will help get you the interviews you need. As you've certainly read throughout this site, a great resume layout on its own won't get you a job. What a great resume layout can do is get you an interview which will lead to that job. What follows in the next few posts are steps you need to take to land that interview.
1. Cover Letter
Like milk and cookies, a great resume layout is incomplete without an accompanying cover letter. In short, the cover letter is designed to get the employer to read your resume layout (just as your resume layout is designed to get you an interview). The cover letter also compliments the resume layout you've worked so hard on by adding a more personal side to you, the job candidate. We will cover this topic in depth another time, although a great starting resource on this topic is's cover letter resources. Tip: Make sure to address the cover letter to the person you want to read the letter (HR Director, manager, etc.). You can find out their name/title by calling the company's receptionist or operator.
2. Finding Jobs To Apply To
Now that you've refined your resume layout and have a cover letter to draw them in, it's time to find places to apply to. There are many places to go to look for a job, here are some of the top:
Networking/Word of Mouth- Often touted as the best method around, talk to everyone you know from past jobs as well as family and friends. Ask them if they know of any open positions in your field or know of someone who might. If you find someone who has a lead for you, they also may be able to provide information that will help you tailor your resume layout and cover letter for that specific position.
This post is getting long so you'll be able to find the second half of this topic in part 2. We hope that you are finding the tips and advice on resume layout useful.
1. Cover Letter
Like milk and cookies, a great resume layout is incomplete without an accompanying cover letter. In short, the cover letter is designed to get the employer to read your resume layout (just as your resume layout is designed to get you an interview). The cover letter also compliments the resume layout you've worked so hard on by adding a more personal side to you, the job candidate. We will cover this topic in depth another time, although a great starting resource on this topic is's cover letter resources. Tip: Make sure to address the cover letter to the person you want to read the letter (HR Director, manager, etc.). You can find out their name/title by calling the company's receptionist or operator.
2. Finding Jobs To Apply To
Now that you've refined your resume layout and have a cover letter to draw them in, it's time to find places to apply to. There are many places to go to look for a job, here are some of the top:
Networking/Word of Mouth- Often touted as the best method around, talk to everyone you know from past jobs as well as family and friends. Ask them if they know of any open positions in your field or know of someone who might. If you find someone who has a lead for you, they also may be able to provide information that will help you tailor your resume layout and cover letter for that specific position.
This post is getting long so you'll be able to find the second half of this topic in part 2. We hope that you are finding the tips and advice on resume layout useful.
Resume Layout - Examples
One of the best ways to understand how to create the best resume layout, is by viewing some resume layout examples. We're fortunate enough to have some resumes that readers sent to us that we've made anonymous and added comments to.
The first resume layout example below is an architect's resume.
The first resume layout example below is an architect's resume.

Notice the overall style of the resume layout is relatively artistic, which makes sense given that architecture involves a lot of design. Other types of professions that might benefit from this "designed" resume layout style are web designers, graphic designers, artists, and authors. The owner of this resume layout also does a very nice job in the experience section of highlighting what they did and what skills/knowledge they developed while doing it. We consistently try to stress the importance of identifying not just what you did in your resume layout, but how you did it and what you learned that will benefit potential employers.
Now let's take a look at a significantly different type of resume layout below.
This resume comes to us from someone in the engineering profession. As engineering is less artistic and more hard science, this resume layout lacks some of the "designed" feel from the earlier example. This reader took the time to edit the resume layout to give tips inside the document. Since he did much of our job for us, the main additional things to highlight are the general uncluttered layout and ease with which the resume layout can be scanned. Remember that employers will not spend minutes viewing your resume layout, only seconds. For this reason, it's critical that you use a resume layout that is very easy for the reader to quickly scan and see the important points that you want to highlight.
Thanks again to the brave readers who volunteered their resume layouts for us. Be sure to update your resume along the way as you read our site so you don't forget what you've learned. Make sure to check our other free advice at Resume Layout Advice.
Resume Layout: Goals of Each Section
Trying to perfect your resume layout can be a very stressful task so it is very important to understand the goal of each section on your resume layout. The following is a breakdown of the different sections you will need to have, whichever one of the professional resume layouts you opt for.
The objective section needs to be short and to the point. In this section, you are telling the employer exactly what you are applying/looking for. This is one of the first things the employer will see on your resume layout so you want it to be clear and concise.
This is probably the most critical section of your resume layout. You will want to list your past work experience that relates closely to the position you desire. You will want to start with your most recent job and work backwards from there. You will want to include the following on your resume layout: name of the company, your position at the company, time period you worked there, and the responsibilities/accomplishments you performed while working there. Listing your responsibilities/accomplishments is definitely the most important part of your experience section of the resume layout. You will want to show the variety of tasks that you performed as well as the role you played in completing the tasks. Whenever possible, it is important to include actual numbers (sales dollars, value of projects completed, % reduction in cost, etc.) in the experience section.
This section of the resume layout varies in terms of importance depending on the position you are applying for. If you are young and fresh out of college without a lot of work experience, you will want to put a lot of emphasis on the education section. You will want to list every college or university you attended as well as every degree that you earned.
Depending on the position you are applying for or the field in which you are in, you will want to list additional skills that you have that will prove to be valuable to the company. This is the section of the resume layout where you can list all computer programs that you are fluent in that relate to the job position.
Each section of the resume layout should be clearly defined and separated from the rest so that it is clear and easy to understand. To find out more about improving your resume layout, check out Resume Layout Advice.
The objective section needs to be short and to the point. In this section, you are telling the employer exactly what you are applying/looking for. This is one of the first things the employer will see on your resume layout so you want it to be clear and concise.
This is probably the most critical section of your resume layout. You will want to list your past work experience that relates closely to the position you desire. You will want to start with your most recent job and work backwards from there. You will want to include the following on your resume layout: name of the company, your position at the company, time period you worked there, and the responsibilities/accomplishments you performed while working there. Listing your responsibilities/accomplishments is definitely the most important part of your experience section of the resume layout. You will want to show the variety of tasks that you performed as well as the role you played in completing the tasks. Whenever possible, it is important to include actual numbers (sales dollars, value of projects completed, % reduction in cost, etc.) in the experience section.
This section of the resume layout varies in terms of importance depending on the position you are applying for. If you are young and fresh out of college without a lot of work experience, you will want to put a lot of emphasis on the education section. You will want to list every college or university you attended as well as every degree that you earned.
Depending on the position you are applying for or the field in which you are in, you will want to list additional skills that you have that will prove to be valuable to the company. This is the section of the resume layout where you can list all computer programs that you are fluent in that relate to the job position.
Each section of the resume layout should be clearly defined and separated from the rest so that it is clear and easy to understand. To find out more about improving your resume layout, check out Resume Layout Advice.
Resume Layout: General Goals
If you came to this site looking for resume layout advice then you have made a good choice. A resume is a critical component to finding a great job and the resume layout you choose will dictate how effective your resume is. This site is designed to offer you free advice to help you on your way toward landing that perfect position.
Before diving into the specifics of resume layout, it's important to first highlight and understand the goals of a successful resume layout. The overall goal of your resume is get an interview, plain and simple. The resume is meant to serve as an advertisement for you and allow you to get your "foot in the door" wherever you are applying to.
Employers read through resumes wondering "Why should I hire this person?". They will scan your resume layout usually for no more than 30 seconds and then decide if they want to interview you. The resume layout advice provided on this site is meant to get you that interview (we'll also help you out once you're there as well) and ensure that you know how to write a professional resume layout.
While we will get into more details in the next posts, look over your resume layout and ask yourself these questions:
- Does my resume layout clearly present my name and all of my contact information?
- Does my resume layout explain what type of position and employment I am looking for? (example: full time design engineer position)
- Does my resume layout present my experience and expertise in the best light possible?
- Is my resume over one page? (Generally the resume layout should be adjusted to fit one page)
Remember, your resume shouldn't tell the story of your entire career, just enough of it to land you an interview. For more in depth detail on the best practice for resume layout and how to use your resume to land a great job, check out all of the advice given for free at Resume Layout Advice.
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